Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a day at kevins house

wow today turned out to be real fun...i went to kevins house with sean,zafran and zakrin , firste we all played this one board game where i got second place *darn* then we all went swimming :D for like 2 hours it was great,then we went to the small playground nearby where this 7 year old boy started swearing at us and sean started swearing back,and we saw these two girls and one of them was HOT i have to admit it me and sean were staring at her for awhile xP

sean: wow that girl is hot
mandeep:wat do you mean *pretending i dont know*
sean: you know .that girl over there
mandeep: *pfft* oh u mean her? *pfft*i didnt *pfft* even *pfft* notice her *swt*
sean: riiitee...weeeeeee think shes hot!
mandeep: what do u mean we? i dont *pfft* think shes hot*pfft* *swt*
sean: =.=\

i know obvious rite?
,,,then later we had dinner and kevin,ryan and zafran were playing with action figures while i ate brownies (those were good brownies), then we played zombies downstairs and then i had to go back at 9:10 or something

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