Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

today kevin,me,ryan,sean,kenneth and my sis went to go and watch alice in wonderland in tropicana city today :D ,,,first we got lunch at this one restraunt where me ryan and my sis had this one fishball noodle soup thing it was quite good xD didnt finish it though but still it was good, the we went to BORDERS where kevin ran straight to the star trek section,, while i sat next to him and every 3 minutes sean would come and dump atleast 5-6 hardcover comic books at me (yes the thick kind) and kevin wouldnt stop laughing at my pain =.="

Then we went for the movie i was sitting between sean and my sis while the rest were sitting behind us,,the movie was realy funny, then later we went to sean's house (but not my sis though)where we were supposed to go swimming but when we went to the pool it was alll green and had algae floating all over it so we went back up so we could play football instead when we changed from our swimming clothes to our jerseys it started raining very heavly =.="

so we all decided to stay in sean's house and play a boardgame or something which we did and then we also played blackjack where sean lost some of his moey to kevin :P,,it was all fun xD

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